Saturday, 7 December 2019

What is the Journey of Umrah for a Young Married Couple?

A family is always made up of a man and woman which is only possible after mary in Islam. But in the modern era, the couple (Husband and wife) likes to going the trip such as someone go to the city to city, country to country.

Pakistani Celebrities (Muneeb and Aiman) Performing Umrah

Marriage is the right path to combine the different sexes, people should start it from the Umrah trip instead of another in the world. So thereby they can realize the What is Islam?

In the world, the first human being was Adam and the woman was Haawa. And the two were the first couple in the world. The three major religions of the world - Islam, Christians, Jews - believe in it.

Travelling is the best way to examine any person and it is proved by Hadith. Then Umrah is the best way to start the marriage life.

According to a survey report the young couples of European, Western, Asian countries mostly visit the sacred cities ( Makkah and Madinah) after marriage by Umrah and Hajj journeys.

Both are holy journeys but there is main one difference that Umrah can be done at any time except for the specific days of Hajj whereas Hajj is only performed in five days of last Islamic lunar calendar.

The expenses of Umrah journey is less than the Hajj journey. Therefore Muslims couples can easily bear the expenses of this journey but it is a little bit hard for those people who belong to the middle class. Don't worry, nowadays middle class related Muslims can perform Umrah after getting Cheap Umrah Packages 2024.

People can make the journey of Umrah a memorable journey of life. There are many tourist destinations to explore Saudi Arabia's heritage as Saudi Arabia launches a new system due to its vision of 2030. And the new system is Saudi Arabia's tourist visa.

In past, Tourism is banned in Saudi Arabia but now Saudi King Salman has decided to open the gate of Kingdom for tourists. For non-Muslims, it is forbidden to enter holy cities (Mecca and Medina), but Muslims can travel to other cities along with the holy cities.

I think the good news for the young couple is that they spent the early days of their married life there.

Marriage is the right way to live the life of the world and Umrah is the best way to remove sins.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Most 3 Sacred Cities In Islam and Why

There are three sacred cities in Islam according to Islamic traditions which are Makkah, Madinah, and Jerusalem.

Makkah and Madinah are two cities of Saudi Arabia while Jerusalem is a city in Middle Eastern countries (Israel & Palestine).

These 3 cities are considered sacred for various reasons. A most common reason is that Masjid al-Haram is located in Makkah, Masjid al-Nabvi is situated in Madinah, and Masjid al-Aqsa is in Jerusalem on which all sects agree.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“Do not undertake a journey to visit any Mosque, but three: this Mosque of mine, the Mosque of al-Haram and the Mosque of Aqsa”

These are the three main sacred places of Islam.
  • Makkah
  • Madinah
  • Jerusalem


It is the holiest city of Islam for Muslims for all Muslims. This city is located 70 km inland from Jeddah, in a narrow valley 909 ft above sea level, 340 km south of Madinah. Our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) was born in Makkah and Islam religion began in this city.
Here are discussed in some holy places in Makkah.

      1Millions of people visit the Makkah city during the Hajj and Umrah.

(Nowadays, it is easy for Muslims to perform the Hajj and Umrah after getting Cheap Umrah Packages.)

2. Al-Haram Grand Mosque is situated in Makkah.

3. House of Allah (Kaaba) is situated in Masjid al-haram where Muslims perform the Tawaf ritual.

4. The well of ZamZam water is also placed in this Mosque (Its water is considered purified by the Muslims).

5. There is a Place near the Kaaba building where Muslims offer two rakkat of prayers and it is called Maqaam E Ibrahim.

6. There are two hills Safa and Marwah in this Grand Mosque where Muslims Perform their Sai Rituals during Hajj and Umrah.

7. Jamarat is the three stone Pillars(Jamarat al Wusta, Jamarat al Aqab, Jamarat al Ula), where pilgrims throw the stones on these pillars during Hajj because it is the compulsory ritual.

8. Jannat Ul Mala is a Holy graveyard which is situated in the valley to the east of Al haram mosque.

9. Masjid Ayesha(Masjid e Taneem) is constructed at this a place where Ummul Momineem assumed her Ihram for Umrah.

10. Masjid Al Jin is also located right at this place in Makkah where the holy Prophet (PBUH) drew a line for Abdullah Bin Masood (RA) to protect him.

11. Masjid Shajarah (Masjid of the Tree) is located opposite to the Masjid Al Jin. It is located at this place where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) called upon a tree and it came to him.

12. Cave of Hira lies about two miles from the Kaaba where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received the first revelations of the Holy Quran by Angel (Gabriel).


Madinah is a second sacred city in Islam. It is situated in the Hejaz region of Western Saudi Arabia about 340km north of Makkah and 190 km from the Red Sea coast.

Here are discussed in some holy places in Madinah

1. Masjid-e-Nabwi is the first mosque established by the Prophet (PBUH) after his arrival in Madinah. It is the second of the largest mosques in the world.
 The grave of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his two companions- Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) & Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) is in al-Nabavi Mosque.

3. There is another very special area in the mosque which is known as the Riadhul Jannah (Garden of Paradise) and its location is between the Sacred Chamber and the Pulpit.

4. Quba Mosque is one of the must-visit places in Madinah. It is the second-largest mosque in Madinah After the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Mosque.

5. Uhud mount is located in Makkah and the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) once said, “Uhud is a mountain that loves us and we love it.”

6. Masjid Al-Ahzaab (Masjid Al-Fath) is located at the western corner of Jabal Sala.

7. Al-Madinah Museum is located on King Abdul Aziz Road in Madinah. This is the first and the oldest museum in Madinah.

8. Wadi e Jin (Al Baida) is located about 41 kilometers from northwest of Madinah.

9.  Masjid Al-Qiblatain is located on the north-west of the city of Madinah, on Khalid bin al-Waleed road. It is famous for its Twins mihrabs and huge Prayer Hall. The verse of the Holy Quran about changing the Qibla direction revealed in this mosque.

10. Jannat-ul-Baqi is the Grave Yard of Madinah. It is located to the southeast of the Prophet's Mosque, which contains the graves of some of Muhammad,s (PBUH) family and friends.

11. It is the place where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) planted three hundred date palms to free Salman Farsi (RA) from slavery. Garden of Hazrat Salman Farsi (RA) is located near Masjid Quba.


There is something special about this city. There are three notable religions, in particular, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, which consider this city sacred. Jerusalem has the Mosque of Al-Aqsa (Arabic name for Jerusalem).

  1. Jerusalem was the first Qibla of Muslims to perform their prayers.

  1. It is Jerusalem that Muhammad (peace be upon him) visited during his night journey and ascension (called Isra and Miraj)

  1. During staying in Jerusalem at night of Miraj, the Prophet met with previous prophets and led them in prayer.

  1. The believers of religions Islam, Christian, and Judaism believe that this city was the Center of Monotheism where various Prophets taught that there is one God, and one God only. Therefore this city is holy across the Muslims, Christians, and Jewish.

Abu Darda reported that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said a prayer in the Sacred Mosque (in Mecca) is worth 100,000 prayers; a prayer in my mosque (in Medina) is worth 10,000 prayers; and prayer in Al-Aqsa Mosque is worth 1,000 prayers", more than in any other mosque.

Friday, 23 August 2019

What is umrah and how can we perform Umrah?

In the Arabic language, the word Umrah is derived from Itimar (which refer to a visit). However, Umrah is an Islamic term which means making a visit to Kaaba, performing Tawaf (also known as circumambulation) around it and walking between Safa and Marwah seven times. Umrah is generally referred to a mini Hajj that can be performed at any time of the year. An Umrah performer puts off his Ihram by having his hair shaved or cut. Umrah can be performed along with Hajj and in other days as well.

Performing Umrah:-
Umrah expects Muslims to perform two key ceremonies, Tawaf and Saee. Tawaf is circling around the Kaaba (House of Allah). For men, it is prescribed to do the initial three circuits in a hurried speed, trailed by four rounds of an all the more comfortable pace. This is followed by Saee between Safa and Marwah in the Great Mosque of Mecca, a walk to commemorate Hagar's search for water for her son and God's mercy in answering prayers.

There are four pillars of Umrah:-
1:- Ihram                                                                                 2:- Tawaf
3:- Saee                                                                                   4:- Tahal-lul

1:- Ihram
Ihram relates to the uniform consisting of two white sheets to be worn by the male pilgrims on their pilgrimage to Kaaba. Ihram is compulsory for every Muslims. It must be noted that wearing Ihram is mandatory for all Muslims while performing Umrah in the sacred city of Makkah. When pilgrims gather in the Masjid-ul-Haram, all distinctions of class, culture, race, and most importantly the distinction of dress are abolished. Everyone stands equal before the eyes of Allah (SWT).

2:- Tawaf
Tawaf is circling around the Holy Kaabah seven times, which starts from Hajr-e-Aswad in a counter-clockwise direction. Each circle completes when a person returns back to Hajr-e-Aswad. If possible, a person should try to touch or kiss Hajr-e-Aswad, if it is not possible; then he can just point towards it with his right hand.

3:- Saee
Saee is one of the fundamental ceremonies of Hajj and Umrah and custom of walking forward and backward multiple times between two small hills of Safa and Marwa which are located contiguous the Kaaba in Masjid al-Haram.

4:- Tahal-lul
Which means coming out from the state of Ihram; it becomes lawful what was recently prohibited during Ihram. In Umrah, Pilgrims don't go to Muzdalifah, Arafat and Mina or throw rocks on the Jamrats (stone pillars representing Devil) or offer animal sacrifice. These rituals are just performed during Hajj.

Friday, 22 February 2019

Difference between Shifting and Non-Shifting Hajj Packages

What is Hajj?

It is on people for the sake of Allah to perform Pilgrimage of his house, anyone who is able to undertake the journey to him. (2:196)
In light of this verse, it is only mandatory for those persons who can bear all expenses of Hajj Package.

Hajj is one of five pillars of Islam but it is not applicable for all Muslims. The building of Islam consists of five pillars. Their names are respectively Shahada (Faith), Salah (Prayer), Zakat (Charity), Sawm (Fasting) and Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah). Therefore every Muslim in the world wants to perform Hajj. It starts from 8th to 12th Dahul Hijja and Dahul Hijja is the last month of Islamic lunar calendar.

Over the 2 million of  Muslims from all different corners of the world gather in Makkah to perform the Hajj because it is the best chance for everyone to seek forgiveness from Allah, wipe away sins and start life afresh (newborn). If you are lucky with those Muslims who will perform the Hajj then it is your responsibility to look for a best Hajj Package for yourself or for your family. There are two types of packages which are shifting or Non-shifting Hajj Packages.

Shifting Hajj Package:

In this package, the Hajjis are always moved from one apartment to another providing residence away from Haram during the top days of Hajj and then bringing them close to Haram Once Hajj days are over.

For example:

First Hajjis leave for Hajj from the UK, after reaching Jeddah, they are moved to apartments named Al-Aziziya situated in the suburbs of Makkah. In Aziziya apartment you can attend the Hajj workshops and training classes to prepare for Hajj. Hajjis stay in Al-Aziziya for around 5 to 6 days with a shuttle service to Haram.On seventh Dahul Hijja, the group is moved to Mina for 5 days of Hajj. After finishing the Hajj, hajjis return to the apartments and stay there for 3 more days.

Afterward, they are moved to the hotels near Haram and remain there for the number of days distributed to their group after which most of them depart for Madina.

Non-Shifting Hajj Package:

In this Cheap Hajj Package, Hajjis are always kept at a single location in Makkah and Madina close to Haram.

For example:

After reaching Jeddah, Hajjis are moved to the hotel in Makkah close Haram. They will stay in these hotels until they leave for Hajj on seventh or eighth Dahul Hijja. After completing Hajj, they come back to a similar hotel.

The residence stays available to the Hajjis at all times and they have the approach to rooms even in Hajj days. Hajjis stay in the hotel for two or three more days after Hajj and then depart for Madina and finally back home.